Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II is seen at the Chichester Theatre while visiting West Sussex on Nov. 30, 2017, in Chichester, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Stuart C. Wilson

Queen Elizabeth II has a certain complaint about her favorite son.

According to Ingrid Seward in her 1991 book “Sarah: HRH The Duchess of York,” the monarch used to complain something about Prince Andrew. The Queen felt that she couldn’t control him.

“The Queen used to complain that she had no control over her second son and would delegate the task of getting him to do what was required to Charles,” Seward wrote.

“[Charles] in turn would complain that he did not have any control over him either.”

After the Falklands War, a bond of respect grew between the two royal princes. However, according to Gyles Brandreth, in his 2005 book “Charles and Camilla,” the Prince of Wales regretted because his own service career had not been tested in action the way his younger brother did.

Prince Andrew and Prince Charles have faced tensions in the past years. In 2012, the future king upset the Duke of York when he deliberately snubbed him at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebration.

According to Katie Nicholl, Prince Charles wanted a streamlined royal family when he reigns and he has started doing it by not inviting Prince Andrew at the event. An insider said that the heir did it because he thought Prince Andrew was a liability since he was involved in several controversies.

However, Nicholl said that Prince Philip would have not allowed it if he were there. The Duke of Edinburgh didn’t make it as he was suffering from ill-health.

Although Prince Andrew’s relationship with Prince Charles isn’t perfect, he shares a great connection to their mom, Queen Elizabeth II, which the Prince of Wales lacks. In fact, according to Andrew Morton, Prince Andrew is the Queen’s favorite son. Her Majesty looked forward to Mabel, Prince Andrew’s nanny’s night off because by then she could go to the nursery and bath and read stories to her “favorite son.”

Earlier this year, Queen Elizabeth II appointed Prince Andrew as the new Colonel of the Regimen of the Grenadier Guards. Prince Philip held the title until his resignation in 2017. Many deemed the appointment a deliberate snub to Prince Charles.