“Seven Year Switch” premieres on Lifetime Tuesday after spending two seasons on FYI. The series follows four couples who are having marriage trouble. They’ll swap spouses with someone else for two weeks to see if they should move on or if they can repair the damage that’s been done. Meet the married couples participating in Season 3:

Kenya and Charles

This Christian couple met in college and shared a sense of adventure, but they’re having some serious problems after a decade together. Charles, 35, felt like he couldn’t live up to the bar Kenya, 37, set, and he cheated on her, resulting in a five-month separation. Kenya, meanwhile, felt like Charles didn’t know how to communicate with her. Kenya wants to rebuild trust while Charles hopes his wife will accept him.

Tony and Angela

Angela, 32, wants kids, but she wants to know more about husband Tony’s family history, which has caused tension in their marriage. Angela isn’t just focused on babies. She wants to pursue career goals that would take her away from Virginia, where Navy veteran Tony, 36, is pursuing his own professional objectives. Angela feels Tony is too in love with his job. Angela wants Tony to learn how to compromise while Tony wants his wife to listen to him more and stop being so impatient.

Seven Year Switch 2018 premiere
“Seven Year Switch” Season 3 will pair up Kenya And Tony, who hope to repair their separate marriages after spending a couple weeks together. Karolina Wojtasik/Lifetime

Bobby and Rosslyn

This pair of 34-year-olds had very different childhood experiences. Bobby grew up in a laid back household where he was raised to be very independent. Rosslyn was raised by a single mother, whose death made Rosslyn realize how important family is. She and Bobby don’t want kids, which can cause tension as they have to often justify their choice to other loved ones. Rosslyn also feels she is lacking support and intimacy while Bobby has trouble being open. Their constant fighting led them to join “Seven Year Switch.”

Diane and Reece

Balancing marriage and professional aspirations is tough for this couple. Business woman Reece is very goal-oriented, which makes Reece’s lack of motivation a problem in their marriage. Reece believes he is working hard, but he wants to have a good work-life balance. He feels like their decade-long marriage isn’t a top priority for Reece.

Seven Year Switch cast
Rosslyn and Reece will be paired up in “Seven Year Switch” Season 3. Karolina Wojtasik/Lifetime

These couples will switch spouses for two weeks in hopes of saving their own marriages. Kenya and Tony will live together while Angela and Charles are paired up. Bobby and Diane are matched while Reece and Rosslyn move in together.

The cast members will be guided by relationship experts Charles J. Orlando and Dr. Jessica Griffin. Lifetime viewers will be getting a double dose of Griffin on Tuesdays with the “Real Love” programming block as she’s also on “Married at First Sight.” While one show deals with newlyweds and the other handles longterm relationships, Griffin said the jobs are surprisingly similar.

“Believe it or not, many of the issues are the same. We all want the same thing: to love and be loved,” Griffin told International Business Times. “We now have couples who have lost that spark and have to be reminded (or learn for the first time) that some relationship basics should never be taken for granted. This includes: remembering to have fun together, truly accepting your partner, learning to compromise, expecting the other person has good intentions, not jumping to conclusions, and never taking your partner or your love for granted. Marriage takes work, but if you have the skills and tools to use, and you actually use them, it’s really not that hard.”

“Seven Year Switch” Season 3 premieres Tuesday at 10 p.m. EDT on Lifetime.