india crime
Representational image of police officials investigating a crime scene in Bangalore, Karnataka, in southern India, Sept. 5, 2017. MANJUNATH KIRAN/AFP/Getty Images

A man was arrested after his teen daughter filmed him killing his son in a planned suicide pact, which he later backtracked on. The incident took place in Bangalore, capital city of the Indian state of Karnataka, on Sunday.

Police said Suresh Babu, his wife Geetha Bai, their 17-year-old daughter and son, aged 12, decided to take the extreme step due to financial crisis. On early Sunday, Babu heaved his son onto a stool and hung him to the ceiling fan using a sari. Despite the boy’s refusal, Babu removed the stool under his feet. However, unable to see the boy suffer, Babu took him down and eventually smothered him. A while later, Geetha killed herself by hanging. The 17-year-old daughter, who was filming the entire incident, tried convincing her father to not kill himself after which he changed his mind.

On Sunday morning, Babu told his neighbors and police that his wife had killed their son before hanging herself. Police initially believed the man until they stumbled upon the video recorded by the teen.

“Suresh initially tried to deceive the police by leading them to believe that his wife Geetha had killed their son and then committed suicide,” said a police officer said, local daily the Hindu reported.

The video showed the man forcefully hanging his son as his wife and daughter pleaded him to leave the boy. The man was then seen smothering the boy. The video ended abruptly and police believe Geetha snatched the phone from her daughter.

“Babu’s 17-year-old daughter filmed her father on her mobile phone forcefully hanging her brother. She may have sent the clip to someone and later it went viral. Babu was arrested and is being interrogated,” a police officer said.

Another police source said the man and his daughter were changing their statement and it looked like the girl was in shock. The investigation was ongoing.