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New US Work Visa Regulations To Hit Indian IT Companies Badly

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is set to adapt a tougher visa regime that makes getting H-1B nonimmigrant visas harder for the U.S. companies. Once implemented, the DOL decision will hurt several companies that hire cheap and skilled workers from countries like India and China.
Beverly Hilton hotel

Travel Websites, Hotels Accused Of Price-Fixing

A lawsuit filed in San Francisco federal court Monday alleges that Marriott International, Hilton Hotels, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts and others conspired to use their market dominance to fix hotel prices with travel websites like Expedia, Travelocity and, a subsidiary of
The Obamas' First Kiss Immortalized

The Obamas' First Kiss Gets Immortalized On A Plaque In Hyde Park

As political pundits are scrutinizing the campaign moves of President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney ahead of the November Presidential poll, there's another report that is being hogged with equal intensity - immortalization of the Obamas' first kiss.
Obamacare 2

Sick Americans Relieved At High Court Health Ruling

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act led by President Barack Obama, people like 59-year-old freelance writer Gail Richardson could be eligible for insurance under an expanded Medicaid program for low-income earners now that the highest U.S. court has rejected a challenge to the law's constitutionality.


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