sex assault
Gender quality advocate Emily Lindin in a tweet said she is not concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sex assault allegations. In this photo, victims of sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual abuse protest during a #MeToo march in Hollywood, California, Nov. 12, 2017 Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images

Emily Lindin, the head of UnSlut, tweeted on Tuesday saying she is not “concerned” about the men who are losing their jobs over false sexual assault and harassment allegation. The UnSlut Project is a website that promotes gender equality.

This resulted in a Twitter uproar where many users replied in disdain to her tweet.

Teen Vogue columnist Lindin, who is a New England resident, is mainly known for the UnSlut Project, which started in April 2013. Apart from promoting gender equality, the site also gives age-appropriate sex education and allows people to share their stories of being sexually bullied and “s---” shamed. People can also donate to the cause through the website.

Lindin said she started the project after hearing about girls committing suicide after being sexually assaulted and these incidents led her to think about her own experiences of being sexually bullied at school, according to a post on the official site. Lindin had written about her experiences from the age of 11-14 online.

“I decided to create The UnSlut Project in the hopes that my own diary entries from ages 11-14 could provide some perspective to girls who currently feel trapped and ashamed,” she wrote on the site.

Based on these online posts, which were published on Wattpad, she wrote a book “UnSlut: A Diary and a Memoir.” Lindin has also made a documentary on the same project.

In an interview to Lip magazine, Lindin said of the project, “It’s a movement against slut shaming and sexual bullying. It’s international and it involves all genders, all races and all ages from all walks of life.”

She also talked about meaning of the word “s---”, a term which is the central theme of her project.

“The problem with the word is that it can kind of be anything – we have t-shirts on the website that say define s---. … The answers vary and I think that’s why the word is so powerful. It often has to do with a girl who has had ‘too many’ sex partners. And how many is too many? It’s whatever the person using the word thinks is too many. ”

However her latest tweet regarding false sex assault/harassment did not do justice to her image. She later justified her tweet by posting four more tweets as replies to the original post. In those tweets she stated the “impact” on a victim “outweighs” the lost reputation of the man and that she is prepared to pay the “price” of sacrificing the reputation of an innocent man in order to fight patriarchy.

This was not received well by many Twitter users as they took to the social media platform to vent out their frustration. Lindin answered the criticisms and justified her position.

One Twitter used mentioned her view as "racist scape-goating."

To which she replied, saying that her tweet was meant only for the powerful people who are protected by the system.

Another Twitter user named Justin tweeted saying, "You do realize that this is the same reasoning used to support the death penalty, correct?"

She instantly said it was the wrong analogy as the death penalty and the penal system are used against an oppressed class.

One of the users gave an account of a false rape allegation.

She again explained her original tweet was not related to high school students and also called for proper investigations into all cases of sexual assault.