• The World Health Organization is currently working hand in hand with Chinese officials to fight coronavirus
  • The organization is doing everything to stop the virus in its tracks
  • It has already elicited the help of many scientists 

The WHO officials say that at present, there are approximately 34,000 patients infected with the virus, and this is likely to rise with the absence of a cure. The health organization, however, said that it is working overtime and harnessing science to stop and eliminate the virus.

The health body has been at the forefront of containment efforts alongside Chinese authorities. The organization is constantly in touch with health officials in China to keep updated on the latest news about the outbreak. The WHO has also been deep into public health coordination as cases of coronavirus infection continues to spread in other countries around the world.

Latest News with the WHO

Last month, officials of the UN agency had declared coronavirus outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern amidst the efforts of researchers to contain and control the disease. Recently, the WHO also released a report stating that it has organized a global research and innovation forum that will lead international efforts against coronavirus or 2019-nCoV. This forum will meet in Geneva next week, starting February 11 to 12 and will bring together the world’s key people and organizations that tackle 2019-nCoV.

coronavirus WHO finding a cure
The FDA has asked seven companies to stop promoting products with fake COVID-19 claims. Photo of a person holding surgical gloves and a mask. leo2014 - Pixabay

Among those invited to attend are scientists, funders of research, public health agencies, and government health ministries with special concerns in pursuing the deadly disease. During the meeting, these key players will discuss their research activities and will coordinate their data, as well as share their samples of the virus.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of WHO, said the said forum would help accelerate scientific progress against the deadly virus. Dr. Ghebreyesus said that harnessing the might of science is vital for containing and controlling this virus outbreak.

Gathering Notable Scientists

The Director-General also said that they need to look for answers to some questions and methods that need to be developed as soon as possible. He said the WHO is playing a key coordinating role by gathering notable personalities from the scientific community to identify priorities in research and hasten progress.

The UN health organization also expressed optimism that this meeting will bring about the coordination of a global research goal and quicken the pace in developing vaccines and medicines.