Meghan Markle is reportedly giving birth in the Lindo Wing after all. She and Prince Harry are pictured leaving Commonwealth Day Services at Westminster Abbey in London on March 11, 2019.  Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images

There has been endless speculation that she would seek to give birth elsewhere and not follow the newer royal tradition of welcoming babies at St. Mary’s hospital and its exclusive Lindo Wing. However, a new report indicates that after some debate, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expected to still follow in that tradition.

According to The Evening Standard’s The Londoner, considering the hospital’s past experience with royal births (Prince William and Harry were born there, as were Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis), they have decided it is the right move to make in terms of where they’ll welcome their first child into the world.

“Having weighed up the options, and in acknowledgment of its place in royal tradition, they consider it the superior choice,” a source told the publication.

This isn’t the first time it’s been reported that Markle would actually choose to give birth in the Lindo Wing because of the privacy and security concerns that it would involve, something that could disrupt the functionality at other hospitals that aren’t as familiar with royal births.

“Obviously, the Lindo Wing is unmatched when it comes to privacy, security, and world-class medical care,” royal expert Victoria Murphy said in February. “[It] also has unmatched amenities and is probably the most luxurious hospital in the UK.”

This comes after Markle reportedly refused to give birth at the same hospital Kate Middleton chose after she became “horrified” by reports the hospital only scored a 2 out of 5 in a mandatory government cleanliness test last year, with the health trust running the Lindo Wing failing a standards check for cleaning and disposing of hazardous and toxic materials.

After those reports, Markle allegedly insisted certain standards be met before she would consider giving birth there.

“Meghan will be ordering royal lackeys to get reports on the hygiene standards, and she’ll want to ensure everything is bleached to the highest standard,” a source told Radar Online at the time. “She is also considering bringing her own chef into the hospital to oversee preparation of her food.”