‘Witches Of East End’ Season 2 Spoilers: Supernatural Sex, A Major Death And Incest In Episode 4 [RECAP]

Wow, now that’s what we’re talking about! “Witches of East End” proved just how dark and sexy it can be with the airing of episode 4, “Brother’s Grimoire.” Don’t believe us? Just check out the recap of tonight’s episode – it might just blow your mind! (Hint, hint)
Episode 4 began with Aunt Wendy and Tommy’s picnic-in-the-park date. But soon their afternoon in the sun took a gloomy turn when a pesky rodent scurried its way onto the EMT’s shoulder. Wendy used her cat-like reflexes to grab the rat and toss in back into the woods. But not before digging her nails into the creature. This would be one of the many terrible dates the two would go on during episode 4.
Turns out the date-ruining rat transformed into a woman named Isis. She’s one of Victor’s kidnappers along with a handsome young fellow (who has a wound-healing tongue) named Ivar. The mysterious duo has been torturing the warlock in their basement lair in hopes of finding the key to Asgard. But Victor, however, has refused to assist them despite the pain.
His plan to keep Ingrid safe is foiled when Joanna answers his “late flight” text with a response teasing how excited Frederick is to see him. This gives the vicious-duo an upper hand and no use for Victor. Isis digs her knife deeper into his abdomen.
But Victor isn’t the only one suffering in episode 4. During a scene with Dash and Killian we find out just why tonight’s episode is titled “Brothers Grimoire.” According to Killian, Grimoire means spell book – and that’s exactly what the brothers were given in their inheritance.
When they opened the box, given to them from Penelope, they discovered a puzzle for the boys to solve. After they both touched it the gift began to illuminate. It read “follow the trail” in Latin. When they recited the spell in unison they were lead to their family's spell book. A few moments later Dash is already pricking his hand to experiment with blood magic that will allegedly “protect him and Killian from harm.”
We find out a later, thanks to Ingrid, that the spell was actually designed to give the strength of one subject to another. That’s why Dash is able to walk through fire while poor Killian is spitting up teeth and losing his hair.
“So, I’m dying?” he asked weakly hours after the spell took root.
“Pretty much,” Ingrid replies. She tells the two that she’s unable to reverse the spell – that’s something they have to do.
And if you think that sounds insane then just wait until you find out who exactly these crazy “friends” of Frederick are. Apparently the duo, who have Victor locked in a “Saw”-style basement, are former buddies of the Beauchamp’s, or at least that’s what they told Freya when they paid Frederick a visit at the bar.
“We were a wild bunch,” Ivar teased, adding that the reason they were banned from Asgard is because they “pissed off” Freya’s grandfather.
Freya seems intrigued but soon she’s overcome with pure shock when the duo starts making out. Turns out their friends from “the old country” are actually twins. Freya pulls Frederick to the side, saying that the “twincestuals” need to leave the bar – immediately.
Frederick agrees. But his warning is rebutted with a threat from Ivar. If he doesn’t give the key to the kissing-siblings in the next 2 hours then both Victor and Freya will be killed in the death trap concocted by Isis. Yep, now Freya has been taken hostage, too!
Frederick attempts to concoct a plan to save his family but eventually Joanna finds out what her son has been up to. She’s beyond annoyed that he didn’t come to her when the problem first presented itself and commands Frederick to sit still while she cleans up his mess. But of course he can’t help himself and hunts down Ivar.
While Joanna finds her way to the twins’ lair, Frederick has devised a plan to get back at Ivar. He poisons his “friend” with venom.
“I just wanted to go home. You’re worse than we are. You’re lower than a rat,” Ivar says to Frederick before dying.
Turns out Ivar wasn’t the only one to meet an untimely fate in episode 4. During “Brothers Grimoire” Joanna was forced to make a tough decision: To choose whether her daughter or lover should be killed with Isis’ spell. See, Isis cursed the chamber with a spell to destroy the lair when either time runs out or Freya leaves her seat. Ultimately Victor forces Joanna to save Freya by having them switch places. He's already in bad shape and wants his daughter to live her life considering this is the longest she's ever lasted. As the two run from the twins’ torture chamber, they hear an explosion.
Let’s pause in a moment of silence for Victor…
But we've saved the craziest moment for last! In tonight’s episode fans got to watch the sweet and intellectual Ingrid get a little freaky in the woods with an avatar! OK, so maybe it wasn’t an avatar but it totally looked like one.
He's back!!!!!! #WitchesOfEastEnd pic.twitter.com/zyKYoRIfaP
— Rachel Boston (@rachelboston) July 28, 2014
After Dash had called Ingrid for help save Killian the redheaded witch was put under a trance and walked into the brush. There she found a blue creature lying in the dirt.
“I’m here to feed you,” she said before having sex with the supernatural entity. It was only until the final moments of episode 4 did we learn what that creature was. Turns out the shadowy figure that’s been killing townspeople from East End is the monster Ingrid was seen in the forest with.
The creature left marks down Ingrid’s back, which Dash saw after she helped cure Killian.
“I don’t… I don’t know,” she responded to what the markings were. “I’m losing pieces of time. I need your help.”
Could Ingrid be helping the monster in its killing-spree? Sound off with your opinions of tonight’s episode and predictions of what you think is next for our favorite witches and warlocks of “Witches of East End.”
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