Your arm fat not only does make you look bigger, but it might also be the reason why you might need a bigger size dress. Arm fat can be stubborn and sometimes be very difficult to lose. But don’t worry just yet. Ditch that unwanted arm fat for good by doing the following exercises:

1. Resistance training- This includes workouts pertaining to working around a force to build your muscle mass. Lifting weights is a very good example of resistance training. Not only does it help increase your overall fat loss, but it can also make your arms look slimmer. Studies have proved that weight training promoted fat loss and increase lean body mass. You can try exercises like bicep curls, overhead presses, and overhead tricep extensions to tone your arms.

2. Cardio exercises- Do more cardio exercises to shed arm fat. It doesn't only aid in weight loss but also helps increase lean body mass. Thus, include cardio exercises like jogging, biking, jumping rope and dancing in your daily workout routine.

3. Swimming- Have you noticed that professional swimmers have beautifully toned arms? This is because swimming can aid in overall weight loss. It also helps in getting rid of the wobbly fat under your arms. Amongst all other kinds of cardio exercises one can do, swimming is the best no-impact workout that is not only easy on your joints, but also highly effective at slimming you down.

4. Planks- Although doing planks might look easy, it can be really grueling on your arms. Start slowly by doing a standard plank position for 30 seconds and gradually increase it up to three minutes or more. And once you get comfortable with it, you can try various positions like the side planks, plank arm row and rotate, pilates press, dolphin pose, crow pose, etc.

Swimming Free-photos, Pixabay

5. Pushups- Master push-ups can be an effective way to lose arm fat. It might take some time, but you shouldn’t give up if you don’t see immediate results. While girl’s style push-ups can be fairly easy to perform, you can start doing those knees off the ground push-ups also. When you make push-ups a part of your daily exercise regimen, it will help you build mass in your triceps and can also help eliminate arm flab.