Following a strict exercise and diet regimen can be both difficult and time-consuming. Have you ever wondered if losing weight was possible without doing either of these? Continue reading to find out a few healthy hacks to lose weight without exercising or dieting.

1. Drink water before meals- Drinking plenty of water can help in weight loss, especially if you do it before a meal or replace sugary drinks. A recent study has proved that drinking about 500 ml of water before mealtime can reduce hunger and lower a person’s calorie intake. The findings also proved that people who drank water before a meal lost about 44% more weight over three months, compared to people who did not.

2. Portion Control- Another effective method to lose weight is to keep control of the portion sizes. When the portion size is larger, it encourages people to consume more food and thereby gain a lot of weight. Thus, start serving yourself lesser amounts of food. This will help you reduce the number of calorie intake and at the same time, you will hardly notice any difference in the portion-size.

3. Serve junk food on red-colored plates- Eating unhealthy snacks is one major cause of unwanted calorie consumption and you can put an end to it by following this simple yet unusual strategy. Research has also indicated that serving unhealthy foods on the red-colored plate works with unhealthy foods. And the explanation is so simple- the red color signals ‘STOP’ and might help you eat fewer unhealthy snacks and achieve weight loss target.

Weight loss
Alternate day fasting may lead to successful weight loss. Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

4. Keep away all electronic distractions while eating- When you pay attention to your food, it can help you consume lesser calories. When you eat while watching television or using smartphones, it might make you lose track of how much you have been eating. And you might end up overeating. Studies have found that absent-mindedness during meal influences your food intake even later during the day. Individuals who used electronic distractions while eating consumed 25% more calories at the other meals of the day, compared to people who avoided such distractions.