One in ten individuals worldwide suffers from lower back pain, making it one of the leading causes of disability. This is mostly because a majority of us do not take very good care of our spines. And apart from existing with the pain, the condition can lead to physical discomfort, make you susceptible to further injuries and complications and also diminish your overall quality of life.

It’s time to do your spine and overall health a favor. Take some time to take care of your spine health by indulging in these workouts:

1. Hip Crossover Stretch - This workout lets you gently stretch and release pressure in the ‘piriformis’ muscle that is located in your hip and buttock area that causes lower back pain. Start by lying face-up on the floor with your knees bent and shoulder-width apart. Then cross your right ankle above your left knee. Slowly pull your right knee toward the left shoulder and hold that position for half a minute. You will feel a stretch in your hips and lower back. Repeat this for the other side for more than thrice.

2. Back Flexion- Lie on your back, pulling both your knees folded up to your chest and then push your head forward. Stay in that position until you feel a gentle stretch on both your neck and lower back.

3. Hip Stretch- Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. The next step is to take one-half step backward with your right leg. Then bend your left knee and shift your weight towards your right hip. Then keep your right leg straight and bend down to reach your right leg until you feel a mild stretch in your outer hip.

4. The Bridge Exercise- To do this exercise, lie on your back using your knees bend and shoulder-width apart. Then use your back and buttock muscles to raise your hips gently. Let your shoulders stay on the floor itself while you’re doing it. Hold this position for about five seconds and then rest. Perform three sets of ten repeats each.

5. Hamstring Stretch- Start by lying flat on your back and slowly press your hips towards the ground and slightly bend your left leg. Relax your toes and then slowly raise your right leg straight upwards as far as you can. Lower your arms beneath your knees for added support. Hold it for ten seconds and repeat.

back exercise PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay