Nuts are not only versatile and widely available but are one of the most delicious of all healthy foods. With the rise in demand for nuts, the production has also been increasing. Being excellent sources of nutrients and antioxidants, nuts are extremely beneficial to human health. You’d be crazy not to eat nuts every day unless you’re allergic to them. Some of the most commonly consumed nuts include almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, pecans, pistachios, pine nuts, and macadamia nuts. Continue reading to find out the top health benefits of munching on nuts.

1. Improves Heart Health

According to the Mayo Clinic, consuming nuts as a part of a healthy diet might be beneficial for your heart. It is an ideal snack option for those who are at risk of a heart attack. Nuts lower the 'bad' cholesterol levels, which play a vital role in plaque deposition in the arteries, improves the wall of your arteries, reduces inflammation associated with heart diseases and reduces your risk of developing fatal blood clots.

2. Aids Weight Loss

Despite its high-calorie count, nuts can aid weight loss. Your body doesn’t absorb all of them, as a portion of fat gets trapped within the nut’s fibrous wall during the process of digestion. A 2013 study reported that individuals who ate nuts regularly lost 2 inches from their waists compared to those who consumed olive oil.

3. Reduces Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels

Nuts have great effects on triglyceride and blood cholesterol levels. Pistachios have been reported to reduce triglyceride levels in obese individuals and those suffering from diabetes. They are enriched with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which helps reduce cholesterol levels. Nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds raise the good HDL cholesterol levels and lowering the bad LDL cholesterol levels, mentioned Healthline.

4. Reduces Diabetic Health Markers

Eating nuts regularly can be beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Being low in carbohydrates, they do not raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, switching to nuts instead of high-carb foods can help reduce blood sugar levels. A 2010 study has reported that consuming nuts lowers blood pressure, oxidative stress and other health markers in individuals with metabolic syndrome and diabetes

5. Prevents & reduces inflammation

Nuts including walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, and pistachios have been found to fight inflammation in both healthy individuals as well as those suffering from diabetes or kidney disease. A 2016 study has reported that eating nuts can help reduce inflammation and promote healthy aging processes.

High Plant Protein Intake Can Increase Life Expectancy Image by ExplorerBob from Pixabay