A Chinese boy with Siamese cat-like eyes has the ability to see in the dark, according to reports from China.

Aside from the brilliant blue tint, little Nong Yousui claims to be able to see in complete darkness, reportedly completing a test in a pitch-black room as proof.

The report was originally shot by Chinese news channel CCTV in 2009, but has only recently gone viral across the Internet.

On the video, Nong's father is seen describing his son's early development.

He said: Two months after he was born I was told that his eyes were different.

We took him to hospital but the doctor told us not to worry, his eyes would be fine when he grew up.

According to the report, as Nong grew his sight remained fine and his family began to ignore the unusual blue coloring.

But years later, a teacher noticed that he had trouble playing with the other children in bright sunlight, and people began to take notice of his condition.

One of Nong's teachers, Ning Qingji, said: I was told that his eyes are like those of a cats.

When we shined a flashlight on him at night, his eyes flashed back.

I asked him whether he could see in the dark and he said yes.

The report claims that journalists travelled to his hometown of Dahua and presented the youngster with a series of simple math questions, which he completed in total darkness.

Despite the claims, experts deny that a human could be born with such a dramatic mutation.

Animals with night vision have a thin layer of cells in their eye called the tapetum lucidum.

Talking to Live Science.com, pediatric ophthalmologist James Reynolds said: A functional tapetum in a human would be just as absurd as a human born with wings. It can't happen.