New coronavirus: airports on alert
New coronavirus: airports on alert. AFP Videographics / Fred Garet


  • There is nothing called the ‘Department of Diseasology’.
  • Coronavirus doesn’t spread through contaminated food
  • Chinese authorities haven’t projected that the entire Wuhan population would likely die of the novel coronavirus

There are umpteen posters and videos doing the rounds on the internet trying to convince you of things that are nothing but a fake. Several fake posts about coronavirus have gone viral in the past few days. They are not only full of errors and typos but contain a lot of made-up details. Experts are warning the public against such misinformation posts that are going viral on social media pages.

Warning: Do not believe social media posts circulating on social media that says the following:

  1. Wholesale shops and buyers are at the risk of buying contaminated products.
  2. Contaminated foods: Proximity to Wuhan china contributes to the contamination of products including Lipton Ice tea, Chinese red bull, Mi Goreng noodles, Wuxhang rice, fortune cookies, and Xiaozhan rice.
  3. Contaminated regions: The Bureau of Diseasology Paramatta has run tests on the air in which people affected by a coronavirus and listed out contaminated areas including Chester hill, Strathfield, Rhodes, and Burwood.
  4. Fake death projections: Chinese authorities have projected that the entire Wuhan population (of 11 million people) would likely die of the deadly virus.
  5. Rinsing your mouth with salt water can help prevent the infection from a new virus outbreak.
  6. The novel coronavirus was created purposefully and was manufactured by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  7. False alarm: Coronavirus has spread to several parts of France.
  8. DAP leader Lim Guan Eng is in the way of restrictions against Chinese nationals entering Malaysia, mentioned Free Malaysia Today.
  9. Chinese tourists from the CIQ complex had died on a bus.
  10. Infected patients are being treated at the SUltanah Nur Zahirah Hospital in Kuala Terengganu.

"There is nothing called ‘bureau of diseasology Paramatta’," Carl Smith said on Twitter, where he shared about a Facebook page called Kradle 2 Krayons Child Care spreading such misinformation.

Twitter users also had their fun creating jokes and memes about the "Department of Diseasology" that trended in Australia.

Epidemiologists currently recommend that coronavirus hasn’t been proven to be transmitted by contaminated food or air, but rather by respiratory droplets, mentioned Mashable.

Despite being debunked and widely mocked, several individuals and business pages have been sharing such posts on social media.