Free Slurpee Day 2011: Celebrities Ecstatic over 7-11 Offer

Celebrities like free things, too. Free Slurpee Day at America's largest convenience chain 7-Eleven has celebrities frequently updating their Twitter accounts to remind users to get a free Slurpee before midnight tonight during the promotion.
In celebration of the store's 84th birthday, 7-Eleven chains will give away an expected 5 million free 7.11 ounce Slurpee's all day Monday at participating until midnight. The company has been giving away free Slurpess in specially designed birthday cups since 2002.
And in case you forget, celebrities are there to send you a reminder to grab yourself all the liquid awesome your mouth can handle on free Slurpee day.
Sean P.Diddy Combs (@iamdiddy), rapper, producer, designer and aficionado of just about everything, shamelessly promoted his vodka brand saying, People!! Go get you a slurpee a 7/11 pina colada mix it with coconut Ciroc.. New drink, its called a P DIDDY... Cuz off the P.. Get it?!
A quick rec for Slurpees by Nick Cannon (@NickCannon), host of hit show America's Got Talent and husband of singer Mariah Carey, sent other twitter users in a mad frenzy of retweets after posting It's free slurpees at 7 11 all day today!
While Shape Magazine points out that Slurpees are not exactly the healthiest drink on the menu, Phoenix Suns point guard Aaron Brooks (@Thirty2zero) will undoubtedly be sipping on one today according to an excited tweet from him.
The annual promotion on July 11th is a big money maker for the company. When they did the promotion last year, 7-Eleven saw a sales increase of 38 percent.
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