
Google is set to launch a Google Maps-based game, Your World, exclusively for Google+, powered by WebGL, no later than February this year.

The game, which has been developed by the Maps team for Google's gaming platform, was only recently announced via a demo video. The video features a map overlay shaped in the form of a cube; players will need to navigate a blue ball through the location. The game is somewhat similar to marble tilt-based games like Marble Madness or Wii's Marble Mania.

According to the video, the player's marble will need to touch marked locations on the map to gather points and advance to the next area. The player also gets a small amount of information once the marble rolls over the markers.

A Mashable report, however, has pointed out the Zagat blip in the game and believes the new game could be a means to push popular Zagat Ratings further into the spotlight. Players could also earn points for Zagat-attached venues.

Google had already introduced popular games such as Rovio's Angry Birds and Farmville from Zynga, which are currently competing with the popularity of Facebook, according to a Digital Trends report.