Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan was vilified on social media for critical comments about Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Noonan wrote at length on last week’s debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The debate, Noonan wrote, was a win for the president, though she credited Biden for his deftness.

But it was her comments on Sen. Harris, D-Calif., that sparked an outcry on social media. Pointing to the senator’s “giddy” nature on the campaign trail, Noonan was critical of the senator’s behavior, writing she comes off as “insubstantial” and “frivolous.” Dancing by the California senator, Noonan added, was "embarassing."

And she heard about it on social media. Noonan is condemning Harris because white supremacy means that black women such as the senator should be “quiet, subservient and obedient,” one person wrote. Pointing to video showing President Trump himself dancing on stage at a recent rally, another commentator wondered why that wasn’t also “insubstantial” and “frivolous.”

Most of the comments about the article itself were equally damning, with Noonan described as “ a feckless tool.” Another questioned the point of the 1,200-word piece, noting that while Harris was dancing on the campaign trail, the president was dancing on people’s graves during the pandemic.

On the performance of the two men competing for the White House, while Noonan was decidedly pro-Trump, she noted that in general it “was a good debate.”

The election is Nov. 3, just eight days away.