A man in the western Indian state of Maharashtra killed his roommate and claimed the victim died in an accident.

According to local reports, the incident came to light Feb.15, when the neighbors of the victim, identified as 25-year-old Dineshkumar Gupta, called the police and reported that the body of the man was found near his home.

The responding officers found the body lying in a pool of blood. The officers then questioned the victim’s roommate, 30-year-old Ramjeet Vishwakarma, who told them that the man was an alcoholic. He claimed that the victim might have met with an accident. The body was sent for autopsy and a case of accidental death was filed.

However, the autopsy revealed that the victim was hit on the head and chest with some object, following which police started investigating the incident. Police soon found out that Vishwakarma was missing. He was soon nabbed and detained for questioning.

“During questioning the accused confessed that he got angry as his roommate didn’t open the door for a long time as he was sleeping. In anger, the accused took some heavy object and hit Gupta on the head and chest repeatedly,” a police officer said.

The accused was charged with murder and remained in custody as of Wednesday night.

india crime
Representational image of police officials investigating a crime scene in Bangalore, Karnataka, in southern India, Sept. 5, 2017. MANJUNATH KIRAN/AFP/Getty Images