'Married At First Sight' Season 1 Finale Spoilers: Find Out Which Couple Chose Divorce In Episode 10, 'The Big Decision' [RECAP]

FYI’s “Married At First Sight” Season 1 finale definitely made some viewers panic. Couples had to go over their entire month-long relationship and determine if they wanted to stay married or get divorced. “They said yes to the altar, but now saying yes means they’re actively choosing each other,” sexologist Dr. Logan Levkoff said. No one seemed to have a sure decision at the beginning, but they all made a choice at the end of the episode. The process was emotional for everyone, even the judges. “I’m probably going to cry if they do stay together, and I think I’m going to cry if they don’t,” spiritual adviser Greg Epstein said.
Jamie and Doug
“I feel like I’m making a mistake either way,” Jamie said. She called her sister to help her make the final decision. Jamie’s sister told her that one lie doesn’t always lead to a horrible relationship, but Jamie noted that if she weren’t married, she would have left Doug.
Doug’s parents visited him to discuss his final decision. Doug spoke about how much he respected their marriage. His parents have been together for 35 years. “I think you need [Jamie’s] sternness to keep you straight,” his dad said.
The couple received their one-month anniversary pictures. They compared the photos to their wedding photos, and they could see how far they had come as a couple. Not only did Jamie encourage physical contact, but they also looked in love.
“Just because someone doesn’t match the expectations you have in your head doesn’t mean it’s not right,” Dr. Logan said.
The couple has struggled, but Doug has been patient along the way. He cracked jokes at their wedding when Jamie felt anxious. He allowed Jamie to have her quirks, such as referring to their honeymoon as a vacation. She really started to warm up to Doug. She had just started to trust him, but then he lied about smoking cigarettes.
Jamie wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, even on decision day.
Jamie and Doug still hadn’t even had sex by the end of the experiment because Jamie thought it was too early to be that vulnerable. As they went to meet with the experts and give their final decision, Jamie said that she feared getting hurt.
"Married At First Sight" experts psychologist Dr. Joseph Cilona and sociologist Dr. Pepper Schwartz met with them to hear their final decisions. Doug shocked no one when he said he wanted to stay married.
Jamie, the wild card in their relationship, said, “I don’t take any of this lightly. My heart is pounding. I feel like it’s such a big deal, it’s a huge moment … it’s so emotional one way or the other, but I think ultimately, you know, you make me so comfortable. And I hope that we can fall in love and have babies and that perfect little family. That’s what I want. So my answer is yes, I want to stay married.”
Doug had dinner waiting at the apartment for when they returned. He enlisted his parents to help set up a romantic dinner. “I didn’t think I would genuinely care for someone and see a future when she started out crying at our wedding,” Doug said.
Jamie finally started to feel like she could open up with Doug. She said the next steps were to fall in love, have babies and live happily ever after. They close their bedroom door and it looked like the two finally consummated their marriage.
Cortney and Jason
Jason’s friend Fran came over for dinner to meet Cortney and help Jason make the right decision. Luckily, Cortney seemed to be accepted by Jason’s friends, but she still wasn't sure that he wanted to stay married.
“Jason still has his guard up and I’m just concerned that I’m setting myself up to get hurt,” Cortney said.
She read a journal entry from before the wedding to her husband. She shared her fears, which were the same as Jason’s fears. She was scared that they weren’t ready or that he would disappoint her. She noted that he hadn’t disappointed her at all. She wanted to stay married.
Jason mentioned that it felt like years had been crammed into five weeks. Over the past five weeks, Jason and Cortney dealt with scheduling issues, vulnerability problems and family conflicts. Jason hadn’t introduced his wife to his mother because his mother was dealing with cancer. Cortney told Jason that her family actually asked her not to get married, but she did it anyway.
When Cortney asked if he wanted to stay married, Jason didn’t quite answer. “I never want to forget you,” Jason said.
On decision day, Cortney told him that they would always be family. Jason told her that he never had a relationship like this. He had never been able to trust someone this much or rely on someone else like he has with Cortney. “No matter what you’ll be a person in my life that’s very special,” Jason said.
The couple met with "Married At First Sight" experts Dr. Logan and Greg to reveal their final decision. Cortney wanted to stay married to Jason, plain and simple.
Jason was more emotional about his decision and seemed to get a little choked up when he spoke. “This is like a really hard thing,” Jason said. “But during this experiment I gave you my heart. And it was hard because I close myself off with so many people in my life … But my decision, it was made last night, that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
His wife giggled with relief and Dr. Logan even looked emotional.
“I see lots of happy moments in our future,” Cortney said. She had no regrets. Jason explained that choosing to stay married meant that he wasn’t keeping any walls up. He would be completely vulnerable with his wife.
Vaughn and Monet
Monet made Vaughn dinner, and despite burned potatoes, they actually had a great night. “We were comfortable with each other and relaxed and just being silly,” Monet said.
A friend visited Vaughn and they talked about his decision. Vaughn liked Monet. He liked that she was career oriented and super friendly. Vaughn said, “If you’re with the right person, [marriage is] worth the work.”
The show recapped their problems from when Vaughn worried that they didn’t have chemistry after five days and their communication problems all the way up until their recent breakthrough. Neither person seemed to be sure of a decision though.
Monet mentioned on decision day that she felt like she was figuring out what to do with a two year relationship, not just a month-long marriage.
Vaughn and Monet discussed their decision together before they went to see "Married At First Sight" experts Dr. Pepper and Dr. Joseph.
“At this point, we’ve decided to get a divorce. I think the best decision for us is to go our separate ways,” Vaughn said. He felt that they were lacking chemistry.
“I really, truly think that Vaughn needs to live some more. In about 5 years, he is going to make a great husband,” Monet said. She felt that he just wasn’t ready for a wife and family yet.
Vaughn packed up his stuff and moved out of the apartment. “I feel sad… but I understand why it needed to happen,” Monet said.
Both believe that they have truly grown quite a bit through this experiment, and they don’t consider the social experiment to be a failure.
“Married At First Sight” will air a two-hour reunion special on Sept. 16 at 9 p.m. on FYI. Were you happy with the results of the finale? Sound off in the comments section below!
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