Apart from giving your sweetheart the key to your heart on this valentine’s day, take an oath to take care of each other's heart. Cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of death in the United States, valentine’s day is a good time to give yourself and your loved one the gift of lifestyle changes that will benefit you throughout this year.

Apart from gifting each other with heart-shaped goodies, do something about the real heart. Book yourself and your valentine for a Heart Health Check today.

Here are some tips to maintain good heart health:

1. Keep Moving- Regular physical activity improves your heart’s ability to pump blood to your lungs and other organs throughout the body. Exercise strengthens your heart muscles and make it more efficient and also maintains blood pressure under control.

2. Quit Smoking- Not only does smoking cigarette affects your lungs but also your heart. Break that habit this valentine’s day to reverse your odds of developing heart diseases.

3. Reduce Salt Intake- It is important to not consume too much salt for a healthy heart. It helps reduce blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease. The Heart Foundation recommends that you eat less than 5g of salt every day.

4. Cut down or limit Red meat, sugar, and unhealthy fats- Several studies suggest that replacing red meat and unhealthy fats with healthy plant protein help reduce one’s risk of cardiovascular diseases. A 2009 study has reported that red meat consumption tripled heart disease-related chemicals in the body.

5. Know your Numbers- It’s time to know your blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels. Many are unaware that they have high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Getting treated at the earliest for hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia can reduce the risk of heart diseases.

6. Maintain a healthy weight- Needless to say, being overweight or obese increases one’s risk of several diseases including cardiovascular conditions. Regular exercise and consuming a well-balanced diet is the ideal way to maintain a healthy weight and keep heart diseases at bay.

7. Reduce stress- Stress is one of the important risk factors for heart diseases, especially among women. Practice yoga, meditation, mindfulness to reduce stress and take care of your heart.

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