Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition characterized by the uncontrollable build-up of sugar or glucose in your bloodstream. This happens when the cells in your body are unable to respond well to insulin as it normally should.

During the later stages of the ailment, the body may not be able to produce enough insulin that can help transfer glucose from the blood into the cells. This is a necessary process as the cells need glucose to be used as fuel or energy.

As a result, glucose could build-up in the bloodstream and could cause various chronic symptoms and lead to possible serious health complications. Expert dieticians say, however, that type 2 diabetes can efficiently be managed by eating a healthy diet, losing weight, and regular exercise.

Lifestyle Change Is Key

According to dietician Juliette Kellow, it is possible to delay and even stop the development of type 2 diabetes. The key is making some changes to your lifestyle.

Primary among these changes is realizing and keeping a healthy weight. Whatever age bracket you are in now, it is time to realize this goal. You can start by becoming more active and eating a regular and healthy diet.

type 2 diabetes healthy lifestyle tips
type 2 diabetes healthy lifestyle tips mohamed-hasan - Pixabay

Fruits and Vegetables Can Really Help

Your regular diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Ensure you eat at least five different types of fruits and vegetables each day.

Most of them are low in fat and calories yet contain enough fiber to make you feel full, making them the perfect choice when you are trying to lose weight. Aside from these, fruits and vegetables are packed with dozens of nutrients that your body needs to maintain good health.

Eat Limited Amounts of Choice Starchy Foods

Consume limited amounts of starchy foods like wholegrain rice or pasta. Eliminate the white varieties from your regular diet as these have been proven to contain more glucose than the wholegrain variety.

You must watch the amount you eat, though, because even though they contain less glucose, consuming huge portions means accumulating more sugar.

Almonds for Snack

For a snack, try munching on a handful of almonds. Around 28 grams of almonds is enough to provide you with lots of vitamins and minerals.

In a recent study, researchers found out that adults who regularly eat almonds for a snack have better glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. This is an indication that their bodies can manage and control their blood sugar levels.

Minimize or Get Rid Of Certain Foods

Another important change you need to make is by minimizing, if not totally eradicating from your diet, foods, and drinks high in saturated fat and sugar. These include sugary sodas, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, and other similar types of food.

While you may crave for many of these foods, limiting their intake or totally getting rid of them is best for your health. You can eat small portions if you wish, but you should eat no more than what your doctor or dietician recommends.

Move Your Body

Try to get involved in physical activities like a moderately intense aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, five times per week. Brisk walking or cycling for the same amount of time can also help a lot.

You can also divide the minimum 30-minute activity in smaller chunks so you can spread your activity throughout the day. When going to the office, try to cover the remaining distance by walking, or you can use the stairs instead of taking the lift.