Holloway reacts while testifying during Anthony murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando
Krystal Holloway, also known as River Cruz, reacts while testifying during Casey Anthony's murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida, June 30, 2011. Holloway, who claims to have had an affair with Casey's father George Anthony, provided conflicting testimony on Thursday about whether he knew or merely speculated in 2008 what had happened to his then-missing two-year-old granddaughter Caylee. Reuters

On Thursday (Day 32), Casey Anthony decided not to testify in the court, whereas the alleged mistress of George Anthony, Casey’s father,'s mistress took the witness stand.

Krystal Holloway, a woman who claimed to be the mistress of as mistress of Casey's father, testified that George had told her about Caylee's mysterious disappearancemissing in 2008. Her testimony is opposite to George's, as he had which he denied having an extra extramarital love affair with Holloway and telling her about Caylee's disappearancemissing.

In 2010, Holloway gave a testimony to detectives in a sworn statement. She even cited what George had said about Caylee: It was an accident that snowballed out of control.

Holloway also revealed that George said, I really believe that it was an accident, and it just went wrong and she tried to cover it up.

But when she was asked about if George said he knew Caylee died of an accident or not, Holloway only gaive a vague answer, which seemeds to agree with Baez’s theory that George knew of the accident, and also with Ashton that he didn't know.

Except witnesses, the air sample in the trunk of Casey's car was also in focus.

Actually suspicion fell on Casey's case started after Casey's parent had detectedfound a strong human decomposition odor like human decomposition in the trunk of Casey's car.

And prosecutors had called a seriesal of expert witness to prove that the odor in the trunk of Casey's car was smell of human decomposition. However, the defense insisted that the odor wasis just from a trash bag in the trunk.

In order tTo solve the problem, the prosecutor suggested that jurors should be allowed to open and smell an air sample collected from Casey's car trunk.

This jury, in my estimation, is going to want to smell the evidence, prosecutor Jeff Ashton argued.

But defense attorney Jose Baez objected this suggestion, and Perry agreed on the grounds that smelling the air sample would effectively turn jurors into witnesses rendering opinions about the origin of the odor.

However, the prosecutors have already gathered enough new evidences and plan to deliver their rebuttal case on Friday, whereas the closing arguments and jury instructions are expected on Saturday. Deliberations might begin as early as Saturday evening.

The news evidences includes work records of Cindy, which proves she was at work although she said she was searching the information onabout chloroform on the family's computer at that time.

Evidence of the chemical, a once-popular anesthetic that is also released by decaying bodies, was found in Casey's car trunk.

Meanwhile, a spectator, who madeke an obscene gesture towards an attorney in the courtroom, was sentenced to six days and ordered to pay a $400 fine plus $223 in court costs.

About Casey Anthony trial:

Two-year old Caylee was last seen alive on June 16 and it was only on July 15 that she was reported missing by her mother Casey Anthony to the police. Cindy, Casey's mother had also alerted the police by calling a 911 dispatcher and saying that she had smelled a dead body in the trunk of Casey's car that was spotted in an impound lot. The car was later towed by authorities for forensic analysis.

Initially, Casey told the police that a babysitter called Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (Zanny the nanny) had abducted Caylee. Investigations showed Casey was lying as the babysitter Zanny was fictitious. Five months later, in December 2008, Caylee's decomposed skeletal remains were found in a wooded area near the Anthony home by a meter reader who was relieving himself.

The prosecutors say Casey chloroformed Caylee and then put duct tape over her nose and mouth, suffocating the girl.

Casey's lawyers claim Caylee was not murdered. They say the toddler accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool and George, Casey's father, helped her keep the death a secret. George has denied the claim.

Casey has been charged with seven counts, including first degree murder, aggravated child abuse and misleading the police in the death of Caylee. If she is convicted of first degree, she could be sentenced to death by the seven-woman, five-man jury. The trial is expected to take another 1-2 weeks before a verdict is reached.