Dog Owner 'Batters' Pet, Attempts To Kill It For Urinating Inside Home

A man from Hollywood, South Carolina, was arrested after he hit his pet pit bull with a shovel, leaving the canine with a fractured skull.
Police responded to a home Sunday afternoon after receiving a call from 41-year-old David Beach’s live-in girlfriend stating that the man had dragged the dog to the back of their property with an intention to kill it with a shovel. The woman told the officials that when she reached the back of the property, she saw the dog lying motionless and the man digging a hole to bury the animal. She said Beach had blood in his hands.
Upon arrival, the officials found the canine alive, bleeding profusely from its nose and mouth. The dog was rushed to a nearby vet. Tests revealed the dog had fractured skull and ribs and also suffered hemorrhaging in both eyes. The dog had significant bruises on its eyes, mouth and eats. The canine was being treated and will be placed at a foster home after it fully recovers.
Joe Elmore, the president of Charleston Animal Society, an organization looking after the dog, said, “It’s just heartbreaking, but our team was ready to respond immediately and care for this adorable dog. She’s so forgiving. Right now she’s recovering well. Her prognosis is good, but she’s been battered up; she’s been injured.”
Meanwhile, during interrogation, Beach admitted to hitting the canine in the head for urinating inside the home. He told the officials that he felt the dog had “behavioral issues” and wanted to “put it down.”
The man was taken into custody and charged with animal cruelty Monday. He remained in jail at the Charleston County Detention Center with his bond set at $100,000.