'Overwatch 2' DPS Guide: Cassidy Tips And Tricks

- Cassidy's revolver can take down squishy targets in just a few hits
- Magnetic Grenade is very generous with its tracking in close quarters
- Deadeye charges up more quickly against low-health enemies
The fastest draw in the new West retains his spot as a gun-toting, close-mid-range specialist in "Overwatch 2." Cole Cassidy is a high-damage hero who can put the peskiest of pests down with a few well-placed shots.
Cassidy excels at dealing burst damage and deleting multiple enemies at once with his iconic Deadeye ultimate. With only one significant change to his kit, his playstyle remains more or less the same as in the original game.
"Overwatch 2" Cassidy Guide
First off, Cassidy no longer has his Flashbang. This means no more stunning enemies followed by an old-fashioned hammer fanning. Instead, he now has Magnetic Grenade.
Cassidy's Peacekeeper revolver is still his bread-and-butter damage dealer. It deals 70 damage on hit with 140-damage headshots, which means it's enough to down many important targets in just two or three hits. Players with good aim can get plenty of value with Cassidy by default.
He also retains his Combat Roll skill that lets him dodge away from danger while simultaneously reloading his weapon. Use this with Peacekeeper's fan fire to quickly unload 12 shots on an enemy within seconds.

Back to Magnetic Grenade – this ability is very forgiving when it comes to its ability to latch onto targets. Throw it at any nearby target, and it is almost guaranteed to stick to anyone near Cassidy's crosshairs. It also deals 131 damage total, which means this ability plus one revolver body shot is enough to eliminate 200 HP heroes.
Lastly, Deadeye is a bit of a situational ultimate. It takes a while before it can one-shot enemies, so it's best used in an open area with little cover or in conjunction with allied ultimates.
Cassidy Tips
Cassidy is a great counter to heroes like Reaper, Genji and Tracer. He also makes for a decent flanker himself if he can get close to squishy support heroes. However, he suffers against shield tanks and armored characters like Reinhardt.
Deadeye locks on faster depending on an enemy's health. Use this to execute tanks that are below-half health.
Kiriko's Kitsune Rush greatly increases Deadeye's lock-on speed. This also applies to Ana's Nano Boost, though that ultimate is better used on someone else.
Lastly, Baptiste can help Cassidy get Deadeye off without dying thanks to his Immortality Field.

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