• Two men saw an Argentine boa constrictor wrapping itself around a Jaguarundi in nortwest Argentina
  • The wildcat can be heard yelping as it tries to free itself from the snake
  • Two people managed to unwrap the snake and free the jaguarundi

Constrictors are notoriously known to eat prey twice their size. As their name suggests, they squeeze an animal to the point that they can no longer breathe before swallowing them whole.

Their infamous reputation as savage reptiles came in full force when two men saw an Argentine boa constrictor (Boa constrictor occidentalis) wrapping itself around its next meal.

The incredible footage was captured in the town of Las Lajitas, Salta in northwest Argentina. The video shows the reptile squeezing the life out of a jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), a small wild cat native to North and South America.

Boa Constrictor
Boa Constrictor, pictured June 4, 2008 at the National Biodiversity Institute in Costa Rica. Getty Images

The battle took place in the middle of a dirt road, with the wild cat can be heard yelping as it tries to free itself from the death coils of the monstrous snake.

Forest ranger Sole Rojas said two people “managed to unwrap” the snake and freed the jaguarundi.

“ It's always a risk, [but] people in the area know how to manipulate wild animals and this boa is not venomous,” Rojas told the Daily Mail, adding that four more people had to be drafted to complete the rescue and finally separate the animals.

The ranger likewise pointed that there are three national parks in the area from where the animals could have ventured from, including the National Park of El Ray, the national reservoir of Pizarro and the national park of Los Palmares.

While it is illegal to hunt animals in Argentina, farmers often kill them as they known to eat their livestock.

The Argentine boa on the other hand is considered to be a threatened subspecies as people continue to hunt and capture them for their skin and for the pet trade, said The Sun UK.