Casey Anthony Shunned Jail Visit From Her Mother

Casey Anthony turned away a jailhouse visit from her mother today in what could have been the last attempt by Anthony's parents to speak with her.
Cindy Anthony attempted to visit her daughter in the Orange County Jailhouse to speak with her daughter but was completely rebuffed by Casey, according to ABC News.
Cindy had set up a visit at 7 p.m. on Friday, but after being notified of the visit Casey decided to decline.
This morning under policy, Casey was told of the visit and she has declined the visit so it will not occur, jail spokesman Allen Moore told Reuters.
Interestingly enough, Cindy Anthony made the visit without her husband George. As you recall during the trial part of Anthony's defense was that her father had molested her as a child.
Casey Anthony was sentenced to four years in jail on Thursday but due to time served will actually be released on July 17th. While reports have indicated Casey has no intentions of moving back into her parent's house, it's not as if an invite was readily extended either.
Media has already greatly speculated about what Casey might do next, but one of the first things will likely have to be a new location. Both Casey and her parents have received death threats, and a move out of Orlando might be in store.
I'm afraid for her. We're in the process of trying to take that next step for her and assist her in that regard, Anthony's defense lawyer Jose Baez told ABC News.
The refusal by Casey to even see her mother in jail shows just how badly the Anthony family has been ripped apart by the death of two-year old Caylee. While no one has any way of predicting just how things might end up, as of right now a joyful reunion doesn't seem to be on the horizon.
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