David Ettlinger: Newton Mass. Teacher Made Child Porn, Stole Girls' Underwear

Belover Newton grade school teacher David Ettlinger is in prison and facing a host of child pornography charges after federal agents raided his home and found hundreds of pornographic images on his computer and dozens of stolen girl's underpants.
Ettlinger, 34, of Brighton, Mass. is pleading not guilty to two child pornography possession charges. According to the Boston Herald, he and lawyer Greg Johnson have yet to respond to charges by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that the teacher was taking part in a child exploitation and pornography ring.
According to the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office, he was arraigned today on charges of indecent assault and battery on a child and posing a child in the state of nudity. More charges are expected to follow.
Raid Yields Disturbing Evidence
When Homeland Security agents raided Ettlinger's home, they were shocked at the amount of child pornography they found stashed in his Commonwealth Avenue condo.
In addition to massive amounts of child pornography on his computer, officers discovered dozens of girls' underwear. Ettlinger later confessed he had stolen the clothing from pools, locker rooms and changing areas in the neighborhood.
But perhaps most disturbing was a 3-year-old video that agents found of young girl exposing her genitals. Ettlinger told them the girl, now 13, is the daughter of a friend, and that he was the man in the recording.
He identified the girl as somebody he babysat for, said David Keatin, the Assistant District Attorney.
David Ettlinger 'Despicable,' Preyed on Innocent and Vulnerable
The horrifying accusations against Ettlinger are part of a federal probe of Dreamboard, a members-only web site whose members produce, distribute and watch child pornography. Members are rewarded based on the videos they post and the visits they log, according to Patch.com.
Prosecutors say Ettlinger was so active on the site that he obtained VIP status.
The video officers recovered, meanwhile, is part of a chain of evidence that suggests Ettlinger has been active in distributing child pornography as well as engaging in the sexual abuse of minors.
Let's be clear about what this case entails, Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F. Conley said in a press release. It arises out of a long-term federal investigation into the violent sexual abuse of children across state lines and national boundaries.
The evidence as it stands suggests a despicable violation of every duty he had to protect the innocent and vulnerable, and we intend to prosecute that violation aggressively.
'We live in a world where you can't trust anybody.'
David Ettlinger has been teaching in the Newton school system for 12 years. According to School Superintendent David Fleishman, the 34-year-old passed a background check in 2010. Newton does the checks every three years on staff members who work directly with children.
At the moment, Ettlinger has been placed on paid administrative leave. He taught the second grade at Underwood Elementary.
It's very upsetting news, Fleishman said. We anticipate a lot of people will be incredibly upset and stunned.
Parents of the children Ettlinger taught are similarly thrown. Though there is no evidence that he abused any of his students, it's still difficult for many to believe that the teacher, whom Boston.com reports was very well-respect and popular, would be guilty of child pornography.
I thought he was a really great teacher, Una Simmons said. Ettlinger taught two of her girls.
All of the parents I've talked to are shocked and disappointed that we live in a world where you can't trust anybody.
The Newton school system has sent a crisis team to Underwood to offer staff and students counseling and Flesihman said he would be sending a letter to all Underwood parents tonight.
Bail Set at $100,000
Our first priority is ensuring the safety of every child, Newton Mayor Setti Warren said in a statement.
If these allegations prove to be true, the suspect detained should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The type of behavior that is alleged has absolutely no place in our community.
Judge Franco Gobourne set Ettlinger's cash bail at $100,000. He has been ordered to wear a GPS monitoring device and have no contact with children if he posts that amount. In court Tuesday, he was held on $10,000 bail.
A sentence for the first child pornography charge could get Ettlinger up to ten years in prison. A second charge carries a minimum of ten and a maximum of twenty years behind bars. And if Ettlinger is found guilty of all the charges being compiled against him, he could end up facing a life sentence.
The DA's office is expected to release more information from the arraignment this afternoon.
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