A baffling disease known as Nodding Disease is seemingly transforming otherwise healthy children into zombies who like to start fires, Dead Central reported. As of now the Nodding Disease and fires are specifically concentrated to children in Pader, Uganda.

"Her personality has changed greatly from before. She was normal when she was born, and now she just moves around and serves no purpose," said mother Grace Lagat. Her daughter Pauline is suffering from the mysterious illness.

There are more than 3,000 other children like Pauline in Northern Uganda who have been stuck with the illness. Doctors and scientists have yet to find an explanation as to why this is happening to Northern Uganda's children, the website said, and the families and lives within the rural Pader community are falling apart.

The name Nodding Disease was derived from the strange nodding-like symptoms the children display when they are in the first stage of a seizure, according to Dread Central.

However the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is saying that the nodding is the lease of their worries when it comes to Nodding Disease.

Once children are inflicted with the illness they wander out and get lost in the brush. Some parents and doctors have testified to children starting fires in the field, the website reported. The rest of the kids just seem confused.

According to CNN, who reported on visiting several burnt homes in the area, the 200 deaths that were recorded resulted from those "secondary" incidents.

Pauline's mother explained that she has to tie her children up before she leaves the hut ever since Pauline disappeared for five days. She explained that Pauline and her son Thomas are both inflicted with Nodding Disease.

According Grace Lagat, first she ties her children's legs to a wooden pole and then she binds their hands with a colorful fabric so her kids are essentially handcuffed. Thomas allegedly gnaws on the cloth with his teeth while Lagat is gone.

"When I am going to the garden, I tie them with cloth. If I don't tie them, I come back and find that they have disappeared," she tells CNN.

It's currently believed that Nodding Disease is confined to Northern Uganda and that it's not contagious.

"It was quite desperate, I can tell you," says Dr. Joaquin Saweka after witnessing the symptoms. He is the WHO representative in Uganda. "Imagine being surrounded by 26 children and 12 of them showing signs of this. The attitude was to quickly find a solution to the problem."

There is no cure for the illness at the present time and the cause is also unknown, World Health Organization said.