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Get vaccinated now.
Be loud and proud about getting your vaccinations.

COVID-19 vaccinations have hit full swing around the globe in an effort to finally put an end to the pandemic that has battered the world for more than a year. The next step is to encourage people to get vaccinated.

If you've received your Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, it's time to show your badge of honor. What better way to show that you've contributed your fair share of making your community safer than with these items!

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First on the list is for those who enjoyed social distancing so much. If you're the type who doesn't like crowded places, or just enjoys the space away from certain people then this shirt is for you!

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On the flip side, people who miss coming together should get this tee!

One of the biggest changes in the past year is having to stay at home, isolated from the world. What better way to let everyone know that you are now safe to be hugged than by wearing a shirt that screams 'Hug Me'?

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As a responsible adult, it is your duty to contribute to a safer community by getting vaccinated. These pins come in sets of 4 to show that you and your family contributed to the common good by making the easy and right choice.

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There have been a lot of claims and fake news spreading about COVID-19 vaccine side effects. But staying up-to-date with expert reports and CDC guidelines will prove that vaccines are safe. If you're one of these people, be loud and proud with the 'Educated. Motivated. Vaccinated.' shirt!

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The N+A stickers come in 7 unique designs that proudly show that you got vaccinated. Each roll comes with 500 pcs of stickers, and is a great way to share the pride with fellow vaccinated individuals.

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This one's for the awesome grandmother who made the choice to get vaccinated. If granny braved the process and got her COVID-19 shots, there's no reason for others not to. Celebrate grandma's milestone with this shirt.

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If anyone in the family is turning 75 and just got his vaccine, this shirt may have been made especially for them. What better way to celebrate both milestones than by wearing this "Friends"-themed celebratory t-shirt?

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The CDC guidelines for those fully vaccinated include the chance to mingle with co-vaccinated peers. And this shirt says just that -- you can participate in life again.

Grab a drink, meet your vaccinated friends and enjoy catching up with them, you deserve it!

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This anti-COVID-19 button pins is a great choice to subtly show you've been vaccinated. Each package contains 25 buttons so feel free to share it with neighbors and friends who made the safe choice as well.

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This quirky cap shows the COVID-19 virus being scared of the vaccine, and rightfully so! Wear this cap after getting vaccinated to show that others can also help beat the virus by getting their shots.

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The last item on the list is the cultural icon 'Rosie' with a modern twist -- showing that she also got vaccinated. This shirt just shows how stronger you can be with proper vaccinations!