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4 Things You Need to Know Before Subscribing to a VPN in The New Normal

With cybersecurity experts now on a race to curb the schemes of cybercriminals, VPNs have proven a valuable addition to the security arsenal of businesses. Switcherry, a leading VPN provider, delivered the Switcherry VPN and Wifi Proxy tool for iOS users to help businesses and individuals combat the latest cyber threats.

Why Social Responsibility in Business Matters Now More Than Ever

At a time when many firms are laying off staff to save money and keep afloat, global giant Sony Music Group has created a new position for a big new hire. The new role of executive vice president of philanthropy and social impact at the business has been filled by the well-known non-profit leader, Towalame Austin.

Things to Look Out for While Margin Trading

If you’ve been involved in the cryptocurrency industry, then you have likely heard of margin trading. Margin trading has made headlines in recent times, with more exchanges offering it to users. At the same time, margin trading in cryptocurrency has been fairly controversial, with there being calls in Japan for stricter regulations. The controversy aside, margin trading offers immense benefits for those who choose to participate in it. 

6 Underrated Blockchain Projects to Keep an Eye On

Crypto is entering another bull market, with the total value locked into defi protocols having doubled in a month, Ethereum transactions hitting levels last seen in 2017 and bitcoin emerging from its slumber to post double-digit percentage gains in a single day. DEXs have just turned over $2 billion in volume in a week and crypto speculators everywhere are on the hunt for the next big thing. 

Drink Rainwater & Save the Earth

Have you ever thought about the harmful effects of plastic bottles and unhealthy, polluted water? How it reaches you and what damage it's giving to your body?

Cigarettes Take A Back Seat As Smokeless Alternatives Become Popular In The US

The prevalence rate of smoking has seen a steady decline in the US since 1965 and has dropped from a whopping 42.6% to 13.7% in 2018. These figures are the result of anti-smoking campaigns, smoking bans, and the up-rise of modern smokeless alternatives. But how might the on-going pandemic affect these figures? Will it?

EOS Is Talking China By Storm

Although most of the world’s markets continue to focus on Bitcoin, EOS has consistently topped the crypto-rankings in China – closely followed by TRON and Ethereum.

Disruptive Fintech Companies Innovating their Industries

It is undeniable that fintech is the future of the financial industry and is poised to play a large role in the future global economy. Fintech, or financial technology, has become more important than ever in not only improving on existing financial systems but actively building new systems. In 2019 alone, startups in the fintech space raised over $30 billion in funding and despite the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, are on track to raise substantial amounts in 2020. In fact, it has been suggested that the COVID-19 outbreak has further revealed the need for fintech and drove adoption.

Types of Casino Promotions

One of the best things about playing popular online casino games is that casinos reward players with promotions and bonuses. These promotions ensure players continue playing in the casino, and they can include bonuses like free spins and deposit matching.

How Networking Strategies Will Improve Your Job Search?

Advertisements or public announcements aren’t that effective when it comes to landing a new job. Today’s career experts estimate that a wide range of job openings are never publicly announced or advertised, but 85% of open positions are occupied through networking or word of mouth, also known as the” hidden job market”.

How Mass Unfollowing On Instagram Can Grow Your Account

It seems a little counter-intuitive, but one of the best ways to elevate yourself to the next level of social media fame is actually to prune down the list of people you’re following. Gone are the days when people thought following back every one of their followers was the right thing to do. Now influencers value the ratio between how many people tune in for their content and how few they follow themselves.
